? ??????????????Love Is Strange? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (33 Ratings)??26 Grabs Today. 40103 Total Grabs.
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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Doing Waterver.

Not being one for ringworm and athlete’s foot and general encounters with all kinds of dastardly bodily afflictions, I have avoided the Union pool at all costs. Something about being in water that has touched the diseased flesh of so many really does not appeal to me. Stange, that. Not to mention the worrying rumours I’ve heard of late-night skinny dipping...etc. Most people find my (valid) concern to be an indication of my being troubled and some kind of germaphobe. Which I am not. Obviously. Thus the “new task to experience” was going into the cesspot of bacteria more commonly known as the pool. I did so in my clothes. With a watering can. And sunglasses. Why? Because I can.

Thanks to Aimee Caulfield for her waterproof camera and to my mom for insisting I take those synchronised swimming lessons in grade 6. Who knew they would come in handy during journalism 1.

Chloe Hirschman