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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moon Goes Boom!

For the past few days, there has been hype all over the internet about the bombing of the moon that NASA was in charge of (no surprise there). After all of the publicity it got, you would expect it to have made more of an impact wouldn't you?

According to POPSCI, the two spacecrafts crashing into the moon had sucha minor impact that NASA could have gotten away with it without telling anyone. All of the eager astronomers and stargazers were disappinted that nothing big happened for them to see through their telescopes. The question is: Why does NASA think that bombing the moon is justified? Sure, they might find frozen water under the surface but shouldn't they just let nature take its course?

I have a feeling that this won't be their only attempt at finding water and that the next one might not be as gentle. If this is so, how would it affect the tides? Would it not be dangerous to all life on this planet? NASA says that if they do find water then it would be possible for human habitation on the moon. My theory is this: There is only this planet for us to live on. If we have destroyed it in any way then that is our fault, but it does not mean that we have to destroy it even further by destroying something else that is relatively close to this planet. Comments from Sky New also reflect this.