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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The World: Doomed or Redeemable

The History 102 course is centred around how humans have created the current problems we are experiencing with our climate, animals and our species as a whole. When I signed up for this course I was expecting another boring History lecturer speaking about things that we wouldn't think twice about once we had passed the course - I was oh so very wrong.

Throughout the whole course we have discussed the global crisis and I have come to the realisation that no matter how much we get taught about the things that we have done wrong, most people will never change themse;ves or their habits to better the world that we live in. When we were getting taught about Hiroshima and the atomic bomb, the lecturer made a ver interesting point: Once humans have gotten an idea into their heads, it is impossible for them to let it go. I couldn't agree with him more.

We were told to look at our ecological footprint on www.earthday.net because the average human is only supposed to use up 1,5 planets in their lifetime. I use double that amount and I was shhocked that my little "go green" initiatives didn't help that at all. So how many planets do you use? Are we seriously doing enough to prevent the global warming disasters from happening? Or did we doom ourselves long ago when we decided that our comfort was more important than our home? Personally, I think we could have done more to protect ourselves and our planet.

By Rochelle